



本次產業趨勢講座特邀擁有專業領域背景並且對台灣手工具產業有多年觀察及研究的金屬工業研究發展中心產業分析師─陳芙靜小姐擔任講師,為您提供更精準的產 業動向;此外,講座也將為您分析手工具產業廠商如何透過電子市集行銷之概念,精準佈局海外推廣,成功開拓國際市場,面對即將到來的下一波攻勢!

台 北 場

時  間: 97年09月03日 (三)13:30~16:20

地  點: 中國文化大學推廣部教育忠孝分部忠孝館-3F數位演講廳

(台北市忠孝東路一段41號3F) 交通資訊

洽詢電話: (02)8369-3869#873 吳小姐

台 南 場

時  間: 97年09月09日(二)13:30~16:20

地  點: 台南生活美學館(原台南社教館)-2樓會議室

(台南市中西區中華西路二段34號) 交通資訊

洽詢電話: (06)209-1168 陳先生

台 中 場

時  間: 97年09月10日(三)13:30~16:20

地  點: 台中市世貿中心-201會議室

(台中市西屯區天保街60號) 交通資訊

洽詢電話: (04)2297-5266#17 蕭小姐



13:30~14:00 報到

14:00~14:10 主辦單位致詞

14:10~15:00 從國際市場動態看台灣手工具業發展契機 Part I - (金屬工業研究發展中心 / 陳芙靜 小姐)

15:00~15:20 Tea time

15:20~15:40 從國際市場動態看台灣手工具業發展契機 Part II - (金屬工業研究發展中心 / 陳芙靜 小姐)

15:40~16:10 如何善用手工具市集概念 行最有效推廣 - (全世握資訊)

16:10~16:20 Q&A







為配合國人的飲食,月餅不再是單調口味,例如近年健康養生風盛行,月餅特別注重低糖、低鹽、少油、高纖等健康原則,如人參、枸杞、當歸、川貝琵琶、珍珠粉、冬蟲夏草等中藥及燕窩、山藥、蓮子、竹炭等流行健康食材,只要想的到的,通通都可以入餅,這樣標榜養生的月餅在口感上減少油膩,增添一份清爽,造福想吃又怕胖的人。其他如冰淇淋、巧克力、起司、麻糬、及鳳梨、紅豆、芋頭等各種蔬果 內餡更是各大業者月餅內的常客。當中值得一提的是,去年風行日本的健康食材──寒天,讓月餅餅皮多了另種Q嫩口感的選擇,低卡路里是它吸引目光的最大優點,同時也能促進腸胃蠕動,今年依然火熱。

在外觀上,一顆顆如此誘人精巧,極具特色的月餅,令人忍不住食指大動,有使用卡通人氣偶像如Hello Kitty、哆啦A夢形象的可愛月餅,也有借用中國神話當中如月兔的形狀衍伸,而傳統廣式、中式月餅外觀依然精巧,保持一貫高評價,每年各家無不爭奇鬥艷,月餅已經可以說成為一種藝術。









China Food Packing Machinery Market to Double in 2005

The packaging machinery industry is closely relevant with the boom and bust of the consumer goods industry. A rise in the demand for consumer goods is commonly reflected on the sales of packaging for these products and, therefore, in turn benefiting packaging machinery players. Currently, mounting environmental awareness, problems of waste disposal, a growing scarcity of raw materials and the consequent statutory regulations, are demanding a fast response from all industrial sectors, especially in packaging machinery arena. In response to the up-and-coming recycling concept, packaging machinery manufacturers must be prepared to invest in continual development of their products and technologies.

In China, the major exports included food grinding machines, mixer, juice extractor, food and beverage makers, cereal and bean processing machine. By the statistics, the largest growth lay in diary product processing and brewing equipment.

Thanks to the improved living standard and gradual shift of eating habit, the sales of food packaging machinery in China will continue to increase in the on-coming years. By a survey, in 2005, the overall demand is expected to hit RMB65 billion, highly potential as compared with the existing market scale of RMB30 billion, marking an average growth of more than 12 percent every year.

Fueled by growing proportion of food industrial output value, probably up from the current 0.3-0.4 percent to 0.5-1 percent, more and more industry players target Chinese market, seeing the coming years as hay days to expand their market share.

Rising meat consumption will boost the demand for meat processing in the food industry from the present four percent to 10 percent with the output reaching 6 million tons, together with the improved proportion of grain processing from eight percent to 15 percent and with the processing volume peaking 82.50 million tons. Meanwhile, the output of sugar will climb to 10 million tons in 2005, the output of diary products, 800,000 tons, various feed, 27 million tons, liquid milk, two million tons, edible oil, 30 million tons, and tin food, 3.80 million tons.

Article from ttnet.net


New Vehicle-based Techs Always from Humanity

Nowadays, cars and light trucks aim to entertain and inform drivers and passengers, not merely transport them from one place to another. Car owners, familiar with iPods, Blackberrys, handheld video players, portable games and so on, expect their vehicles to cater to their miscellaneous "infotainment" needs. Modern gadgets carry features to make navigating easier. The latest GPS devices are miles away from the old handheld ones. In help of speech recognition, drivers can speak commands to the GPS without having to take their hands off the steering wheel. If they are driving at a significant speed, or in heavy traffic, they don't have to take their eyes off the road because voice prompts will navigate them. Some devices even can be linked to a driver's mobile phones, and voice calls can be made using the GPS as a hands-free gear. Read the following news via Dialog NewsEdge to find more new techs on automotives.

Sizzling Portable Navigation Devices (PND)

In a release, Research and Markets noted that report highlights include:
Globally, the satellite navigation system is still a nascent industry with market penetration of only 4 percent and this offers lucrative opportunities for all the players in the supply chain of this industry. Western Europe and North America are the potential markets for Portable Navigation Systems, a technology/medium for automobile satellite navigation system. However, still these two regions remain massively under-penetrated with Europe's satellite navigation penetration currently stands at only 15 percent and in North America at 4 percent. Since, the satellite navigation industry has low barriers to entry; the list of entrants is long and growing. But there are only a few leading players that have dominance in this industry.

The Thinnest GPS Unit in the Industry

Wireless News via NewsEdge Corporation:
Magellan has announced a second generation of its Maestro series of portable vehicle navigation devices that will feature the thinnest GPS units in the industry. Designed to be pocket-sized for easier portability, the new units feature a streamlined look and functionality built into a new, sleeker industrial design. At only 17.8 mm thick and just 82.5 mm tall, the new Maestro packs dozens of advanced mapping features and bright 4.3-inch or 3.5-inch QVGA screens into the industry's most compact, portable auto navigation units.

Automotive Hard Disk Drive Shipments to Rise by Fie times by 2013

M2 PressWIRE via NewsEdge Corporation:
The explosion of digital multimedia infotainment systems in cars is prompting auto makers to adopt Hard Disk Drives (HDDs) for storage and playback of music, video and other digital content. Shipments of HDDs for automotive infotainment systems are expected to reach 16.6 million units by 2013, nearly five times the 3.5 million in 2006. Automotive HDD shipments will rise at a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 25.1 percent from 2006 to 2013, making hard drives the fastest-growing storage solutions for cars in the coming years. The attached figure presents iSuppli's forecast of shipments of HDDs and other storage formats for automotive infotainment applications.

Audio Streaming Bolsters Automotive Bluetooth

Wireless News via NewsEdge Corporation:
The migration of Bluetooth for music streaming into the automotive and portable navigation markets is increasing automotive Bluetooth adoption, reports Strategy Analytics. In fact, the research firm noted, this wireless technology is set to account for 94 percent of in-vehicle communications system shipments by 2013, according to a new Strategy Analytics report, "Automotive Bluetooth: Heat Unit Integration and A2DP Present New Opportunities." Over the last 12 months, key product trends were emergence of audio streaming via the Bluetooth Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP), Bluetooth integration on embedded automotive infotainment systems and an increase in portable navigation devices offering Bluetooth hands-free functionality.

Satellite Radio Increases 26%

Wireless News via NewsEdge Corporation:
“Nearly 40 percent of consumers report having satellite radio capability in their new-vehicle's audio system-marking a considerable increase from 26 percent the previous year, according to the J.D. Power and Associates 2007 Multimedia Quality and Satisfaction Study released. Additionally, 94 percent of owners indicate that their satellite radio is factory or dealer installed-increasing from 92 percent in 2006. "Buyers want the latest technologies included in their new vehicle's audio system, and the increase in market penetration is a reflection of auto manufacturers' response to consumer demand," said Allison LaDuc, senior research manager of automotive product quality at J.D. Power and Associates. "New and redesigned vehicles-particularly those within the luxury segment-are increasingly being equipped with the latest multimedia features, including satellite radio, MP3/auxiliary output and navigation systems. Market penetration for these audio features will likely increase as time goes on."

Adding NIR Capability to Portfolio of Single-Chip Automotive

Wireless News via NewsEdge Corporation:
“The NIR capability significantly improves functionality for automotive safety and security applications while allowing OEMs and automotive manufacturers to simplify system designs and reduce the overall system bills of material. The new night vision capability is made possible by the development and successful implementation of a number of process-level enhancements that expand the sensor's spectral light sensitivity up to 1050 nanometers, the equivalent of NIR sensitivity. This enhanced sensitivity enables OmniVision sensors to perform object detection in complete darkness with the support of only a few very low-power LEDs and allows automotive cameras to see both beyond and outside the range of a vehicle's headlights.”

Increased MEMS-Based Applications in Automotive Industry

Wireless News via NewsEdge Corporation:
“Demand from end-user markets such as automotive, medical and consumer electronics spurs growth in the world microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) sensors markets, reports Frost & Sullivan. The consulting company said that its new analysis, World MEMS Sensors Markets, reveals that the market earned revenues of $1.6 billion in 2005 and estimates this to reach $4.2 billion in 2012. "Demand from key applications such as electronic stability control (ESC) and tire pressure sensors in the automotive market will likely drive the MEMS sensors market," notes Frost & Sullivan Research Analyst Prashanth Venkatesh. "Regulations passed by the U.S. highway and safety authority that mandate the installation of tire pressure sensors, also fuels demand. Moreover, environmental and legislative mandates increase the need for fuel-efficient cars, thereby supplementing demand for sensors in the automotive market."

Simultaneously, the adoption of inertial sensors for the purpose of adding functionality and safety in devices such as mobile phones, gaming devices and e-notebooks, drives growth in the consumer markets.

Article from ttnet.net


Global Views on Hardware Headlines

Fastener Industry Up 5% Per Year Through 2007

Industrial fastener demand, usually dancing with the pace of industrialization and business circle of the world, is predicted to climb no less than 5% every year through 2007 to over $11 billion. Generally speaking, the demand will be spurred by robust growth in durable goods production and building spending. Accelerating global economic growth will also contribute to help speed in aftermarket fastener demand, even though improvements in fastener quality will somewhat curb maintenance/ repair /operations sales growth. Building sector, electrical and electronic equipment manufacturing will enjoy the fastest growth in end-use markets for fasteners.
Standardized industrial fasteners will continue to govern overall product demand. However the sales of application-specific fasteners jump at a prompter pace than other standardized product types while more OEMs take the place of non-specialized items with application-specific designs. In the other hand, demand for aerospace-grade fasteners is predicted to soar at better-than-expected rate through 2007, fueled by new momentum in aircraft production as global economic climate bodes well military expenditures keep climbing. Recently, innovations and improvement on fastener design focus on new generations of self-locking and self-sealing fasteners, which can be installed without the use of tools and fasteners fabricated from advanced alloys, composites and plastic materials. As more reinforced plastics are successfully developed and launched, plastic fasteners will be widely applied in a growing number of settings.

Global Valve Demands to Rise 5.5% Through 2007

Global demand for industrial valves is predicted to climb 5.5% per year through 2007 to over US$60 billion. The growth momentum is specially attributed to the blooming macroeconomic growth in the developing regions of Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. The markets in the US, Japan and Western Europe, although not very prominent in performing, will also show slight improvement. Rising fixed investment levels will boost most valve consuming sectors and strengthen underdeveloped infrastructures in these regions.

Die-casting Hardware Boosted from Auto Sector

Die-casting is a process to form metal shapes from molten material, in most cases, typically nonferrous metals such as aluminum, magnesium, and zinc. Die-casting processes include sand casting, precision investment (lost wax) casting, and permanent mold casting. Generally speaking, the major market for die-casting is the automotive industry. Especially smaller electric motors calling for the application of die cast aluminum housings and end covers, further promote the usage of die-castings. Additionally, for further development of the die casting industry, production scale is of prime importance for industry players. However, the prerequisite for a large production size is large investment. The automotive industry is surely a strong support. In recent years, attention has been paid to the development of large capacity die casting machines, bringing up hot chamber machines accordingly.

Variety Uses of P/M, Powder Metallurgy

The basic P/M process uses pressure and heat to form precision metal parts and shapes. Powder is squeezed at room temperature by itself in a rigid precision die into an engineered shape like a gear. After the mass of powder is squeezed into a shape and ejected from the press, it is fed slowly through a special high-temperature controlled atmosphere furnace to bond the particles together. In contrast to other metal forming techniques, P/M parts are shaped directly from powders while castings are formed from metal that must be melted, and wrought parts are shaped by deformation of hot or cold metal, or by machining. P/M parts are used in a variety of end products such as lock hardware, garden tractors, snowmobiles, automobile engines and transmissions, auto brake and steering systems, etc. New Developments include improved manufacturing processes and commercialization such as metal injection molding: (MIM), rapid solidification, P/M forging, spray forming, high temperature vacuum sintering, warm compacting and both cold and hot isostatic pressing. The use of P/M hot forged connecting rods in automobiles and a P/M camshaft for automobile engines. The use of P/M composite camshafts in auto engines and main bearing caps, and stainless steel ABS sensor rings and exhaust system flanges. New submicron and nanophase powders for cutting tools and other specialized applications.

Bearings, Small Parts Big Use

Bearings belong to a major component in a machine to reduce friction and, simultaneously maintain the expected precision and stability while machine working. By statistics, the size of global bearing market approximates US$30 billion every year. Coming in over ten thousand kinds, bearings can be found everywhere in a gear from small drivers, motor cars, conveyors, electrical machinery to big ships. Fundamentally, bearings are composed of two parts: sliding bearings and rolling bearings. The most frequent-used bearings are linear bearings, connecting bearings, ball bearings, roller bearings, trust bearings and needle bearings. The precision quality of bearings depends on hardness, wear rate, mechanic strength and stability along with concentricity, sphericalness and roughness. In these years, the users of conventional ball bearings and roller bearings have been gradually upgraded to ball guide bars, linear bearings, connecting bearings and oil-less bushings. Some higher-level bearings should resort to the help of technicians. King-size bearings for steel-making or petrochemical industry are heavily installed and traced by technical suppliers. The popularity of NC/ CNC machine tools and automated warehouse systems provides a stable-growing background for bearings industry. The up-and-coming trends follow the advantages of high precision, high speed, compact size, lightweight, maintenance-free and durability.

Article from ttnet.net